How to Make Your Popups Irresistible (And Not Annoying)
From the dawn of civilization, there have been commercials. If you look close enough at the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, you’ll likely find an ad for a chariot dealership mixed in with the picture stories. (Seriously, though: papyrus wall posters in Ancient Egypt were some of the earliest advertisements.) Flash ahead to our modern age and you’ll find there could never have been television without commercials. Now that the world has truly become Internet-centric, businesses want to utilize your time by offering some form of advertisement.
At first, it was a banner ad dropped onto a website. The clever marketing device soon evolved into the popup. Today, tech savvy websites generate popups in hopes of capturing an email address or providing a direct click-through to sales.
As a web designer, your goal is to create popup tools that will make the client happy and not annoy the user. Too tall an order? Perhaps it’s not as challenging as you might imagine. Before getting to the gorgeous graphics that you’ll create to go with it, you might want to consider some functionality.