My two oldest sons have the same birthday but two years apart. We like to have fun with this lovely coincidence of nature, with which we did not tamper. For instance, we have marble cake sometimes, or mix up ice cream, or get the same gift for each boy differentiated by color or something like that.
How to fix Firefox 3.6.x from crashing every 5 minutes
Ever since upgrading to Firefox 3.6.x, it has been crashing seemingly at random. Firefox would just disappear in the middle me doing something. I nailed down one behavior that Firefox didn’t like and found a replacement solution that has worked 100% so far!
(UPDATE: Uninstall any Beta Flash plugins and install the current player (Mac). Zero crashes now)
Bai! You’ve been pwnd by chirdlike reasoning
Halfway through the comments on this post over at Just Creative Design, a common typo rears it’s head:
Funny & Odd Emails Received
The typo is “chirdlike” which seems to be, but I’m not 100% sure, a typo for “childlike”. I don’t understand why this happens so much since “r” is not near “l” on the keyboard. Either way, I didn’t know what it meant the first time I came across it, thinking it was an eighth-grade vocab word I missed, or it was another one of those fancy internet memes like “pwn” or its past-tence version, “pwnd”.
I googled “chirdlike” only to find that the number one result for the word in Google was…the post I was commenting on!
… [Read More]
If your head was a warehouse, what would it look like?
Go over to Twitter to see what people’s heads look like if they were a warehouse:
- Visit Twitter and view / search for “#warehouse”
- Find an image, then go back Twitter at said link above.
- Twit something like: “If my head was a warehouse, it would look like this: [insert_your_link_here]“