I wanted to add a little context here to this original tweetstorm story I posted on Twitter earlier this year. To my knowledge, this is one of the first fully AI illustrated stories (however small) created on the revolutionary DALL-E platform. I’m only aware of one other story of mine, “The Great Watermelon Conflagration” that precedes “A Bunnies Tale” by a week or two, as seen here below, that is also fully AI illustrated with no post-processing done to the images after DALL-E generated them. The point in not doing any editing was to test DALL-E’s ability to generate characters and scenery with some consistency from image to image. The results are intriguing, but also not consistent in a way a professionally drawn set of illustrations would normally be. But, we are witnessing something quite staggering here, so the inconsistencies are part of the charm and the mystique of what the amazing model and algorithm deep inside the “mind” of DALL-E has produced. If you like, you can visit the original Twitter Dalle illustration thread. I think a little history was made here but I’m not sure!A Bunnies Tale
It’s not often you get to witness the birth of a timeless AI illustrated classic. From deep within the realms of our shared creative providence, I present to you:“A Bunnies Tale”
An epic tweetstory of 23 parts drawn by DALL-E #dalle2 #dalle #aiart, written by the narrator. (curtains)